How it started

Foto: Marie Houttequit
Foto: Marie Houttequit

























Imre Bergmann is a ceramic designer, designing and producing handmade ceramics. After years of working in marketing, she realised she needed a more creative challenge. She started studying at art academy and four years later, after graduating, she switched to this creative business as an independent entrepreneur. She founded her label *by Imre Bergmann and from then on she concentrated on working with ceramics. 


Imre's collection consists of timeless ceramic products - mostly tableware - and these are all made on the potter's wheel. She often leaves her work unglazed on the outside or applies a tactile texture, as she wants people to experience the beauty of the material by letting them really feel the clay.


Imre sees the ceramic production process as slow design; the process has many steps and requires a lot of time and patience. She finds this a nice counterpart in a time when everything seems to go faster and faster. She values the creation of meaningful products that can become part of someone's daily life, for example a coffee cup that becomes a cherished part of someone's morning ritual. Her designs are distinguished by a certain simplicity and minimalism; Imre tries to design timeless products that maintain their value and really add something special to someone's home and interior. 

Personally, Imre finds it very special to buy a product made with care and dedication in a traditional way. For her, this adds an extra dimension and value to the product; it is not a mass-produced item but a personal product created by the attention, passion and love of its maker. She hopes people also experience this feeling with her products, as she strives to put the same attention, love and care into her products. All products are handmade by Imre herself in her own workshop. 

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